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Fresh Start

Guys. I cancelled January. I know we're halfway through February but that's not important. Happy new year!! :-D

I've had a fairly stressful writers block but I try not to pressure myself in this regard because it means whenever I come here, I'm being authentic.

The past six months have been the hardest on me on various fronts that cannot be shared on the world wide web. But the thing with trying times and struggles, they can mold you in unfathomable ways and you have the power to decide whether the end result is positive or negative. Anyway, I've recently had some uplifting outcomes and as I reflected over the journey to them, I connected them to some tea experiences I have curated during my silent time.

1. Fear fear

Whenever you set out to try something new, you may feel a combination of excitement, nervousness and down under, fear. I had a fresh passion juice ice tea on new year's eve and was absolutely skeptical over how it'd turn out. To my surprise, it was fantastic, owing to the fact that the passion juice was not too dense or highly textured thus mixed well with the black tea plus their flavours somehow complemented each other. I tried imagining what went on in the mind of the person who came up with the combo. Was it a drunk mix-up? Or purely intentional? How was the pitch performed to get it on the menu? Who approved the proposal? So many questions. Anyway, they (humans, passion fruit, black tea) did it! It's not particularly the riskiest thing ever done, but it isn't exactly a norm either so we can count it as something. To conclude, go ye forth and just do it!

2. Forgive yourself

Part of motivating oneself involves being your greatest cheerleader. However, a lot of times we are bogged down by being our very own biggest critic. There's this Kenyan brand of tea called Melvin's, known for their Tangawizi (ginger) Tea which I quite like. Now a while back they got into flavoured teas after years of having just the ginger tea and black tea in their portfolio. I was never too keen but the first time I got one of their flavoured teas, I didn't enjoy it and was super dramatic like 'Never getting Melvin's again!' Well let me tell you, I went to a little supermarket when I had a mini mint craving, and the only tea brand they had stocked with mint was Melvin's! So I did a colossal eye roll and grabbed their 'Green tea and Mint' tea. Let me tell you guys something. It was absolutely wonderful! They really did not come to play! From the time I had a poor experience with it (probably 2015, see the extent of my grudge and proceed to pray for me) to December 2017, I don't know who or what is new in the quality department but there has been a come up! I have since tried their Chamomile tea which is lovely and I'm pretty interested in getting through the rest of their portfolio. Where would I be if I retained my pride and refused to give it a second look? I was forced to forgive the brand (thanks poorly stocked mystery mini mart) and learnt after never to doubt their or any others potential. Applying the same principle to oneself, it's so easy to stay in the muck that we create ourselves then making it bigger than what it really is. But admitting your faults and forgiving yourself gives you an opportunity to change and improve all that for the better. Try it!

3. Be blunt

I can't emphasise enough the time and energy saved by being forthright. Not only with yourself but especially with others. My sister's bestie before tes...(I will grow day), went to Zanzibar for a getaway and returned with some peppermint tea for me. I was so excited cause I loooove peppermint tea but when I prepared it, guys, oregano, FREAKING OREGANO, was it's flavour!!! Listen, if I was keen for some pizza, I am able to get some, but to have that flavour in tea that has been misrepresented as peppermint tea and got my digestive system just ready to receive was heart-breaking! The betrayal!! When you are straightforward your path is clear, there are less distractions, less clutter and you can achieve whatever you set out to.

So, tea friends, as we start off the year, I hope these few pointers are worth something for you and wish you a brilliant year ahead.


The Ultimate Tea Girl


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